PHOTOGRAPHY! A universal language
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Photography is all about the end result - your photo ART CYCLE GLOBAL ENTERPRISE offers guides with essential information so you can get the best photos without spending thousands of hours learning techniques or software skills. We focus on the knowledge within photography, cutting through the often confusing waffle of photographic jargon to focus solely on showing you what you need to do to capture beautiful and dynamic shots every time you pick up your camera.
Flower Warmth
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By Peter Ensenberger…

By Peter Ensenberger…

PHOTOGRAPHY is a universal language capable of communicating to a wide audience. But photography also is a very personal affair. No two people approach it exactly the same. You bring to bear your own personal experiences and influences every time you push the camera's shutter-release button. Each image captures a moment in time seen through your eyes, processed by your way of seeing the world.

That's the appeal of photography as a form of self-expression. It allows each of us to artfully interpret the world around us or create our own alternative reality. For many, it's our principal creative outlet, producing images that can be easily shared with others.

With the advent of digital technology, photography has grown into one of the most popular hobbies on the planet. It's the most accessible of all art forms. As a fun and affordable pastime
Stained Onions
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Those committed to improving their skills and techniques may enjoy lifelong partnerships with their cameras, producing photographs to be proud of. If you're persistent and willing to push yourself to achieve loftier goals, your images will reveal a personal style all your own.

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A good first step in refining your style is learning the fundamentals of composition that have stood the test of time. It's worth noting that many of the world's great photographers had no formal art training. They developed their visual sensibilities through observation and perception. Aspiring photographers should follow their lead.

All around us, the elements of composition-objects, lines, shapes, colors, and shadows-coalesce in apparent disarray. By raising your awareness of the orderly way these elements fit together, you'll realize the strongest way of seeing. Learning the basics of good composition helps you recognize the essential components and design artistic arrangements from the chaos. You'll produce better photographs that combine balance, simplicity, and style.

For anyone whose design skills are not intuitive, practicing the fundamentals of good composition will lead to informed decisions. It's helpful to understand the reasons behind the so-called rules of composition. Whether you're a beginning student of photography or someone who has been working at it for a while, improving your compositional skills will help you create photographs that are visually pleasing and stand up to critical scrutiny. Knowing the basics allows you to quickly recognize the potential in any scene, design an aesthetically pleasing composition, and hen capture it the best way possible. With a little practice and repetition, applying the rules of composition will become second nature to you.

First, the rules of composition are meant to create balance and visual harmony in any work of art, be it a photograph, painting, or sculpture. Better photographs can result from knowing the rules of composition, and it's okay to bend or even break the rules with good reason. Sometimes disregarding the rules introduces dynamic tension to good effect. But it's important to know and practice the basics before deviating from them.
Lovely Warmth
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Second, the purpose of good composition is to orchestrate the viewer's eye movement as it explores the image. Critical placement of compositional elements effectively leads the eye into and through the scene, containing it within the boundaries of the frame and eventually leading the viewer's eye to the focal point-the composition's visual payoff. The longer viewers are engaged by the composition, the more of the image they will see.

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Another important basic step in every photographer's education is learning to work with light. Composition and light go hand in hand. The prominence and placement of highlights and shadows become important compositional elements when properly incorporated in your photographs. Using the prevailing light to its best advantage in any situation will have an immediate positive impact on your images. Making sure that the direction and quality of the light favors your subject is sometimes more important than the subject itself. Conversely, a poorly lit subject can ruin the success of even the best composition.

Much like the human brain's left (analytical) and right (intuitive) cerebral hemispheres, photography has opposable sides - the technical and the creative. The technical side is restricted by absolutes. For each desired result, there is a required action. If you need more depth of field, adjust the aperture. If you want a lighter exposure, change the shutter speed. Understanding photography's technical process is straightforward and can be easily learned.

Burning Coal
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Rules governing the creative side, on the other hand, are open to interpretation. They serve more as guidelines than doctrine, providing a framework within which we can evaluate the effectiveness of visual design. There are no absolutes that, when faithfully executed, will guarantee a well-designed photograph, and even a perfectly composed image can be deadly dull if the story is boring. Your creativity is the X-factor in elevating your photographs above the ho-hum.

Photography's greatest assets are its abilities to visually communicate ideas and to bring a heightened awareness of beauty to our daily lives. When ideas and beauty combine successfully with sound compositional techniques, a photograph can achieve the level of art.

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